Category Archives: OLM to PST Converter Tool

Hassle free OLM to PST Conversion

If you have been troubled by the incompletion of OLM to PST Conversion time and again, you need to use OLM to PST Converter by Gladwev. The tool has a revolutionary technology which empowers it to bring every content from Outlook for Mac database into its conversion fold, be it texts, attachments, Unicode content or even Meta data content like To, Cc,. Bcc.

The tool compliments its complete conversion capability with the maintenance of accuracy of the database. The converted database is of no use to customers if its essence has been altered in any way. OLM to PST Converter successfully retains the originality of the database it converts. No content of Outlook for Mac database is altered even slightly, and customers have an easy time utilizing them in the new email client.

OLM to PST Converter has been doing fairly well in all other aspects of OLM to PST Conversion too. The tool comes with the latest technology and an exquisite set of essential and exclusive features which help in manifesting al essential aspects of a good OLM to PST Conversion in the most wonderful manner. Plus, Gladwev offers 24/7 customer care service and free life time updates to the license version of the tool which makes it much more lucrative.

The other aspects of OLM to PST Conversion in which OLM to PST Converter has been doing well are as follows:-

Safety of Outlook for Mac database – The tool does not let any threat like data corruption, distortion or loss tarnish the clean image of Outlook for Mac database. The database is not just well protected from the threats of OLM to PST Conversion but also enriched to be of more service to the customers.

Organization of database – OLM to PST Converter retains the original folder hierarchy to give converted Outlook for Mac database a clean structure with which customers are familiar with.

Speed – OLM to PST Converter has an amazing speed which allows it to convert OLM files to PST format in the quickest way possible. You can convert all your Outlook for Mac files to PST format in just some minutes.



To test the tool before making any investment, Gladwev has offers a free trial version which shall eliminate all your concerns and doubt about OLM to PST Conversion. The demo version is a carbon copy of the licensed version with just the range of conversion restricted to 10 mails per folder.

OLM file to PST format with the help of OLM to PST Converter Pro

OLM to PST Converter Pro is a tool with the aid of which users can convert an OLM file to PST format, thus enabling them to migrate from Outlook for Mac to Outlook for Windows.

Users can store all their email items in an OLM file, which archives folders such as Inbox, Sent Items, Contacts, Calendar and all the alike, together with their email content and attachments. An OLM file is the one accepted by the Outlook for Mac email application, and if users decide to migrate all their content to Outlook for Windows, they will first have to convert the OLM file which stores their email data to a PST file which is the one supported by Outlook for Windows.

The reliability of OLM to PST Converter Pro in migrating between the two email platforms is embodied in the following features:

  • The software is able to export all your emails, messages, calendars and contacts from an OLM file to a file with the PST file extension. The folder structure in which your email data is contained, such as “Inbox”, “Contacts” or “Calendar” will remain the same in the PST file as it did in the original OLM file.
  • The converter takes care of non-English email content. If your emails contain non-English characters, you can rest assured they will be preserved in the PST file, even if they are multi-byte characters, such as Japanese and Chinese ones. This feature enables you to convert an OLM file to a PST one, while maintaining the properties and quality of the text content.
  • The entire attachment set is transferred. This means that even if you have nested or multilevel attached files, the converter is able to handle them correctly and migrate them to a PST file. This particular feature prevents information loss and contributes greatly to the reliable character of this software.
  • Address books are migrated to a “Contacts” folder of the PST file. All the address book fields, no matter how many they are, will be transferred to the PST file, with up to 60 address fields processed and converted all at once! Non-English content is preserved during the transition between the two file formats, and you also have the option to convert address book folders from different OLM files to one “Contacts” folder of the PST file.
  • All your calendar data will be migrated to the Outlook “Calendar” folder. In addition, if you have calendar events from multiple OLM files, they can be merged into just one Outlook “Calendar” folder, ensuring OLM file to PST data compactness.
  • The software is able to process multiple OLM files and create a PST file for each one. The OLM files may come from different locations on your machine, offering support for multiple users. Furthermore, the software lets you combine email data from various files with the OLM file extension and merge them into a PST file.

Get Free trial at

If you are interested in trying out OLM to PST Converter Pro and discovering yourself all of its powerful features, you can download and install its free demo version which allows you to perform up to 10 email conversions for each folder.